Baragua Protest. Maceo warned the Spanish Government that he would continue fighting.

Historical dates of Cuba in the month of March

DayYear   Historical dates of Cuba in the month of March
11958The “Frank Pais” column, under Raul Castro’s command, left Sierra Maestra Mountain Range, in order to open the Second Eastern Front in Sierra Cristal Range.
21939Death of song-writer Amadeo Roldan.
31959The revolutionary government nationalized the “Cuban Telephone Company” and the “Cooperative of Associated Buses.” It also lowered telephone fees.
41870Marti is condemned to 6 years of imprisonment by a Spanish War Council.
1960French merchant ship “La Coubre” blown in CIA sabotage at Havana docks. More than 70 people killed.
51933Death of patriot Juan Gualberto Gomez.
1960Commander in Chief Fidel Castro spoke at the funeral of the victims of “La Coubre” sabotage. For the first time he said the slogan “Revolutionary Motherland or Death.”
81931International Women’s Day celebrated in Cuba for the first time, at the headquarters of Cuban Workers Federation. Police forces disbanded the meeting.
1942Death of brilliant chess player Jose Raul Capablanca.
101959Commander Camilo Cienfuegos tore apart Columbia Garrison checkpoint 6.
111896Maceo fought the battle of Nueva Paz.
1949Yankee marines desecrated Apostle Jose Marti’s statue in Havana Central Park.
131896The invasion column stormed Batabano.
1957Assault to tyrant Fulgencio Batista’s lair in the Presidential Palace. Student leader Jose Antonio Echevarria killed.
151874Beginning of Las Guasimas battle, which ended the 19th.
1878Baragua Protest. Maceo warned the Spanish Government that he would continue fighting.
161960Foundation of the Central Planning Board.
171896Birth of German scientist Juan Cristobal Gundlach, who studied in depth Cuban wildlife.
181958Murder of revolutionary fighter Sergio Gonzalez (El Curita).
191828Inauguration of El Templete arbor in Habana City.
201930First general strike against dictator Gerardo Machado.
211962Commander in Chief Fidel Castro received the “Lenin” Peace Prize.
221768Introduction of coffee in Cuba. By 1797 there were 5 plantations in Wajay.
1959First people’s parade and demonstration in front of the Presidential Palace.
251895Signature of the Montecristi Manifesto, drafted by Jose Marti and Maximo Gomez.
261849Birth of patriot Manuel Sanguily in Obrapia street.
281957Francisco Soto Hernandez, sergeant of the Rebel Army, died in the battle of El Uvero.
291868Pirate Henry Morgan plundered Puerto Principe (current city of Camagüey).
1962Beginning of the trial against the mercenaries defeated at Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs).
301849Death of scientist Tomas Romay, who introduced vaccination in our country.
311589The construction of Havana military fortress began under the supervision of Juan de Tejeda and engineer Bautista Antonelli.
1855Execution in La Punta of patriot Francisco D’Strampes Gomez.
(Translated by: Pedro A. Fanego)
